Friday, February 26, 2016

Smile the Worries Away!

Hello Loves,

This morning I decided to get up early (6am) and study “Preach My Gospel,” a missionary manual made to help with study and spiritual growth. I had left off reading scriptures about faith, last time. It has possibly been 3 weeks since I have studied. Shame... If I am to be ready to serve a full-time mission for my Savior, then I need to study every day. Let’s get this going!

Yesterday I was blessed to talk to a dear friend of mine. He told me every time he sees my smile it makes his day. That made me smile even brighter! Helping others be happy makes me happy, too.

Have a happy day!

Sincerely, The Smiling Missionary

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Coloring Books + Blanket Forts

Hello Friends,

<Lightning> *KABOOOM* It is raining right now. Hopefully my laptop won’t die on’s not plugged in because of the storm. It has been a few days since I’ve posted, but I can’t think of much to say. I guess I can start here:

The next paper I get to write for my English class is supposed to be persuasive. I finally chose a topic and it is close to my heart...or rather, my butt. ;) I am writing about the lack of clothing options for those who are of the plus-sized population. We have very little stylish or fancy options in our world of “big people.” I want to change that!

So, just now I did the silliest thing ever. I was telling one of my best friends something that wasn’t true, but then corrected myself. She asked if I needed to go back to preschool. I responded like I WAS already there! I had a blanket fort and everything. Apparently, I forgot my coloring book, though. ;)
Sincerely, The Pre-K Adult

Saturday, February 20, 2016

In the Very Details

Hello Dears,

So I was wrong. I am not a GryffinPuff...I am a HuffinDor! I didn’t think about it before, but since my dominant house is Hufflepuff, it goes first, hahaha.

I got up at a quarter to six this morning and finished my school work for the week. It only took an hour and I feel like a rockstar! There are generally two due dates each week: Wednesday and Saturday. I am kind of a procrastinator...okay, I put things off a lot, and so I usually get my work done the day before or the day of. ^_^ What can I say? I love taking my own, sweet time.

Well, I FINALLY finished my critical thinking essay! That one was a problem. You would think the topic would have made things easier, but alas, the style made it hard. I wrote about Heavenly Father being in the very details of our lives. He wants to help us...we just have to let Him in. It’s that simple.

Sincerely, The Happily Surviving College Student