Thursday, January 28, 2016

Pain is But a Trial.

Hello People,

Yesterday, I was excited to write my first draft of a paper for a college course I am taking. The style was “This I Believe” and I chose to write about overcoming challenges. I have many, as do all of you. The challenge I chose to write about is very close to my heart. It is something I don’t share very often and no, I won’t share it here.

The conclusion of my essay was centered on Christ and His infinite sacrifice for me. ME. I know He lives and because of that, I can overcome all things.

“God doesn’t take away

My pain right away.

He lets me wait and learn.

Or he shows me another way out

That I didn’t think of before.

That’s usually what happens.

But I feel better talking to Him

Than keeping it to myself.

(LDS Seminary on Facebook)

Sincerely, The Warrior

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

To the New Blues

Hello Everyone,

“Snow is melting all around. On the housetops, on the ground.” YAY! I am so excited for the snow slowly creeping back into the earth, except for the massive puddles I now have to leap across. I really hope there isn’t going to be more. Well, not until NEXT January…I can deal with that. ^_^

I have been having some pretty nasty migraines for the past 6 months. I went to my primary care and talked to the other Dr. (mine was on maternity leave) about them. He thought they were caused by muscle tension in my forehead. I tried what he suggested for another month or so, then went back when my Dr. was back. She and I discussed what was going on, symptoms and such, along with diagnostic possibilities. We both came to the same conclusion (I had previously come this same idea, before). I needed to see the Optometrist. I had seen him just 6 months ago, however! I didn’t think my prescription had changed at all. I was 100% correct.

What is next? I don’t know. All I know for now is I am really sensitive to light. Though, there is an upside to having an appointment today…I GET NEW GLASSES! #fantasticallyblue

Until tomorrow, Shelbs @_@